Built From the ground up for the customer by the customer, we strive to bring the best product to you for the best prices on the market, from hand-picked buds from the most delicate indoor flower to the curated strains tailored to your needs. 
Founded in 2022, our team was built around talent, skill, precision, and care for the customer. We continue to expand our company, only selecting the best qualified for each position in order to bring you the finest product on the market. 
Each product is thoroughly tested, with no machines used in our process. All merchandise is inspected for flaws and perfection, with only a small portion of our harvest going into the product you see before you. 
With Satisfaction guaranteed, we put you first. When you get your bud, you are more than just a customer but a part of our never-ending goal to find the perfect product for everyone. 
Questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out to us via our contact page 
or our Instagram @Topins.members
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